This fall, Tri Delta will introduce all chapters to the Life After College Series, designed to launch our members from college to career by providing tools and resources to confidently navigate this exciting, but often stressful transition.
A prominent conversation employers and colleges are having revolves around the term career readiness. Today’s college students are enrolling in college in order to improve their employability and advance their career goals. The Life After College Series helps members build confidence and consider the skills, experiences and strengths they possess as they transition to life after college.
The series has four major components:
- On-demand Professional Development: Through online and on-demand programming, members learn about how to translate their sorority experience into valuable, resume-worthy and transferable skills that employers are looking for. This on-demand content includes the Life After College podcast series which features Tri Delta alumnae offering key advice on professionalism, etiquette, personal branding, job searching and more.
- AAUW Start Smart Salary Negotiation Workshop: In partnership with the American Association of University Women (AAUW), this two-hour, in-person workshop is designed to empower women with the skills and confidence needed to successfully negotiate their salary and benefits packages. Research on the gender wage gap shows that one year out of college, women are already earning significantly less than their male counterparts. We are proud to partner with AAUW to address the issue and take an important step toward achieving gender parity.
- Career Connections and Informational Interviews: Through Tri Delta’s new networking platform, CONNECTDDD, collegiate members can network with alumnae in their field of interest, obtain value career advice and schedule informational interviews. CONNECTDDD also features a job/internships board and links to helpful resources for personal and professional development.
- Life After College. Explained.: This informative and entertaining instructional guide, gifted to seniors through donations to the Tri Delta Foundation, provides helpful tips on everything from signing your first apartment lease, to buying your first car (and car insurance!) to understanding office/business etiquette and beginning to save for retirement.
Membership in Tri Delta is for a lifetime. Through the Life After College Series, we hope to facilitate lifelong connections and learning among Tri Delta members.