Each month, Tri Delta publishes In Memoriam, highlighting the lives of some of our Distinguished Deltas and longtime volunteers and sharing a full list of sisters who have recently passed away. Below is the In Memoriam for August 2024.

Suzie Parker Nichols, Missouri
Tri Delta was sad to learn of the passing of Suzie Parker Nichols, Missouri, on Aug. 24, 2024, while listening to Edelweiss with family members by her side. Music was the thread that ran through Suzie’s life and connected her to so many of her dear friends. She gave the gift of song to our Tri Delta sisters over the years, serving as national music chairman and leading many Convention choirs. Suzie was known for her energy and her remarkable talent onstage and behind the piano, and one sister described her as “the epitome of brave, bold and kind.”
In Memoriam
This In Memoriam list includes sisters who were reported as deceased to Executive Office August 1–31, 2024. If you know of a sister who has passed away, please report her information to Executive Office by emailing memberrecords@trideltaeo.org.
Virginia Messecar Sheely ’34 d. 2/2016
Susan Esher Wilson ’75 d. 8/2019
Carnegie Mellon
Mary Dayton Hawkins ’49 d. 8/2024
Frances Plusch Stewart ’48 d. 12/2022
Ruth Ritz Rusie ’37 d. 12/2021
Marion Kuppler Turley ’57 d. 8/2024
Kansas State
Margaret Reinhardt Hahn ’47 d. 2/2024
Frances White Payne ’47 d. 1/2020
Louisiana State
Natalie Stone Spalding ’66 d. 7/2024
Barbara Cope ’56 d. 4/2024
Chrissy Curran Lydick ’67 d. 7/2024
Rosemary Moore Seago ’64 d. 8/2024
Agnes King Thomas ’68 d. 4/2024
Suzie Parker Nichols ’65 8/2024
New Mexico
Diane McDonald ’67 d. 7/2024
Ohio State
Doris Ahl Anguish ’51 d. 7/2024
Oregon State
Patricia Nelson Hamilton ’49 d. 8/2024
Mary Lee Richardson Hilly ’42 d. 8/2022
Southern Methodist
Betty Russell Morton ’46 d. 5/2023
Dorothy Poynor Pearson ’45 d. 1/2022
Texas Christian
Nova Lee Groom Mahon ’00 d. 4/2014
Texas Tech
Scharlyn Daniell Ribble ’53 d. 1/2021
Faye Allen Hale ’64 d. 8/2024
Joanne Parsons Williams ’53 d. 7/2022
Wake Forest
Grace Newman ’16 d. 8/2024
Heather Scalf ’96 d. 7/2024
William & Mary
Libby Lewis Ward ’51 d. 7/2024