Tri Delta’s volunteers are the driving force for what we are able to accomplish as a premier women’s organization. They bring their experiences, time and talents to give back to our sisterhood. And last year was a year that required creativity and resilience on the part of all of our volunteers. On Saturday, July 17, we honored and celebrated several dedicated members and chapters for rising to the occasion and serving with excellence at the 2021 Volunteer and Alumnae Awards, as part of Tri Delta’s virtual Volunteer Leadership Conference.
Congratulations to the following award winners, and thank you for your service and passion!
Collegiate Chapter Advisor
Lindsey LaMair, Omega Delta Chapter at Iowa State University
Lindsey has poured her heart into making Omega Delta Chapter a better place for the members. She stepped in to serve as interim house director and was able to assist the chapter during a COVID outbreak and a chapter quarantine. When the collegiate chapter tragically lost a sister during the school year, she made sure the women were cared for and had available resources. She navigated incredibly difficult situations with grace, compassion and leadership.
Honorable Mention: Ann Michele Sweeney, Gamma Eta Chapter at the University of Richmond
Alumnae Chapter Officer
Kathy Woolner, VP Programming, Cleveland Alumnae Chapter
After serving eight years as alumnae chapter president for the Cleveland Alumnae Chapter, Kathy continued her service as vp of programming to stay involved and mentor others. She found innovative ways to connect with the chapter and pushed the envelope with new tactics to stay involved virtually. Her personability and ability to make connections with members has benefitted her chapter immensely. Her actions have directly assisted in enhancing the chapter experience, setting a precedent for future alumnae engagement.
Honorable Mention: Kathryn Janowiak, Alumnae Chapter President North Dallas Area, Texas Alumnae Chapter
Alumnae Chapter Team
North Dallas Area, Texas Alumnae Chapter Officer Team
The North Dallas Area Alumnae Chapter Officer Team has gone above and beyond to create engaging opportunities for their members during a year that has presented challenges none of us were prepared for. They have been innovative in finding ways to engage members virtually and to provide support to their members of all ages during this time. The chapter utilized a website to plot all members’ addresses into a map as a resource to connect during COVID, whether it was to meet up to deliver holiday cookies or share a refreshing beverage on someone’s front yard.
Honorable Mention: Boston, Massachusetts Alumnae Chapter Officer Team
House Corporation Officer
Susanne Teel, Lambda Chapter House Corporation at Baker University
Susanne coordinated all aspects of house cleaning, sanitizing and ordering all the PPE equipment for the Lambda Chapter house. She directed the creation and posting of all informational signs and assisted the collegiate chapter president in providing information to the parents about the COVID precautions taken to ensure their daughters’ safety. And, as a co-founder of the university’s Alumnae Greek Council, she assisted in establishing an endowment to secure funding for professionals in the Student Life Office.
House Corporation Team
Upsilon Chapter House Corporation at Northwestern
Upsilon Chapter House Corporation faced an unprecedented challenge following a devastating reduction in chapter membership due to unrest at the Northwestern campus. With the facility closed, the house corporation forged ahead with capital improvement plans to enhance key areas of the facility so when they opened the doors, the re-establishing chapter could present itself as a leader on campus. As the chapter rebuilt, the house corporation hosted events for new members, wrote congratulatory letters and showed appreciation to all alumnae who contributed efforts to rebuild the collegiate chapter.
Honorable Mention: Pi Chapter House Corporation at California/Berkeley
National/Regional Advisor
Dolly Rairigh Glass, Collegiate Chapter Coordinator for Emerging Chapters

With more than 20 years of volunteer service to Tri Delta, Dolly ensures that her fellow volunteers have the knowledge and resources they need to help newly established chapters take root and thrive. She has navigated difficult situations with firmness and compassion, and she helps her volunteers feel empowered to assist their chapters with confidence. The number of volunteers she mentored who remain actively engaged is a testament to her effectiveness as a model servant leader.
Honorable Mention: Laura Walsten, Alumnae Chapter Coordinator
Brave Award
Jovana Fitzgerald, Collegiate District Officer
The recipient of the Brave Award, Jovana stepped in to help a chapter at a pivotal time in our history. As the conversation around racial injustice was growing over the summer, she took on the role of guiding a chapter with significant challenges. Amidst negative messages coming at her personally about her own lived experience with racism, she carried herself with grace and kindness. This chapter has a much different story today than it did when she stepped in and so much of that is a credit to how she supported, advised and led them along in an important journey.
Bold Award
Taylor Lack, Alumnae Specialist
Taylor worked with an alumnae chapter immediately following the sudden passing of their alumnae chapter president. She stepped in as ACP while the chapter worked on a plan to continue, all while undergoing personal health concerns. She took the initiative to support the alumnae chapters in her region while managing her own challenges and represents what it means to be a bold Tri Delta.
Kind Award
Amber Tinsley, Lifetime Membership Advisor, Gamma Delta Chapter at Spring Hill
During an outbreak of COVID in the Gamma Delta Chapter, Amber made meals for the women that were in quarantine, taking into account any dietary restrictions. She always delivered the meals with a note of encouragement. During the year, she worked tirelessly, trying to make the chapter feel as normal as possible. Her nominator wrote: “A family is all about support and so your sisters in Tri Delta should always feel supported. She is the common denominator in the chapter. She brings elegance, kindness and service to our chapter.”
Excellence in Member Experience
Toronto, Ontario Canada Alumnae Chapter
The Toronto Alumnae Chapter explored new platforms for outreach and included members from across Canada and the United States. They included collegians, alumnae, Tri Psi members, family and friends in monthly events, and they created a special interest group for young alumnae out of college for five years or less.
Runner-Up: DuPage Area, Illinois Alumnae Chapter
Excellence in Collegiate Connection
Wilmington, Delaware Alumnae Chapter
Wilmington, Delaware Alumnae Chapter engaged their chapter with the growth and development of a vibrant emerging collegiate chapter at the University of Delaware. They assisted with recruitment and served as sponsors for 200 new members. They held an officer retreat and met regularly with collegiate officers. And they made personal calls to all graduating seniors to check in, ask about future plans and answer questions about alumnae membership.
Runner-Up: Atlanta, Georgia Alumnae Chapter
Excellence in Service to Others (Community Service & Engagement)
San Diego, California Alumnae Chapter
The San Diego, California Alumnae Chapter collected hygiene products through Project Connect for Monarch Schools impacted by homelessness and for active-duty military women through Operation Courage. They prepared care packages for Promises2Kids, benefitting foster children, and encouraged members to provide pet food to local shelters through Wags for Wishes.
Runner-Up: Dallas, Texas Alumnae Chapter
Excellence in Philanthropy with Purpose
North Dallas Area, Texas Alumnae Chapter

The North Dallas Area Alumnae Chapter launched a new program when approached by Scottish Rite for Children’s newly opened campus in Frisco, Texas. The chapter hosted a Cookies & Castles event, selling 300 gingerbread houses, donating $11,000 to Scottish Rite for children and more than $1,200 to Tri Delta’s Foundation. They demonstrated commitment and ability to implement this first-time program with flexibility and creativity.
Runner-Up: Houston, Texas Alumnae Chapter
Excellence in Innovation
Indianapolis, Indiana Alumnae Chapter

The Indianapolis, Indiana Alumnae Chapter embraced virtual platforms this year, creating an online Circle Degree ceremony and developing a video of graduating seniors. They also assisted another alumnae chapter in organizing their own virtual Circle Degree. They hosted their long-standing State Meet virtually and developed a new user-friendly alumnae chapter website.
Runner-Up: Boston, Massachusetts Alumnae Chapter
Eleanor Dorcas Pond Award
Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota Alumnae Chapter

The Eleanor Dorcas Pond Award recognizes the alumnae chapter who has offered overall exceptional and rewarding experiences to their members while maintaining a viable roster, promoting lifetime membership, offering diversity in activities and reflecting a commitment to sisterhood and the Purpose of Tri Delta.
The Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota Alumnae Chapter embraced and encouraged a variety of leadership styles in conducting alumnae chapter business, inviting all members to attend board meetings to provide input. They participate actively in their area alumnae panhellenic and University Greek Alumni Council. They were the first alumnae chapter to upgrade to the new website, and offered virtual programming monthly for personal and professional options. This chapter provided fundraising opportunities for collegiate chapters at North Dakota State and Iowa State. They support local and national causes for Alzheimer’s Association and St. Jude—raising more than $10,000 for the St. Jude Walk/Run in September.