Tri Delta alumnae chapters have been bustling with activity, celebrating sisterhood, friendship and service. From planning and hosting events like Founders’ Day celebrations, book club meetings and Galentine’s Day socials to giving back to their communities through philanthropic activities, Tri Delta alumnae have been busy making a positive impact. Here’s a closer look at some of the exciting things our alumnae chapters have been up to recently.

Almost 40 members of the Central Arkansas Alumnae Chapter attended their Fall Happy Hour where they caught up with friends, heard about the success of Delta Iota Chapter 2022 recruitment (where they gained 192 new members) and shared lots of laughs!
The Marin County Alumnae Chapter celebrated their holiday party on the evening of Dec. 6, 2022. The group combined a lovely potluck dinner and gift exchange with support for their local philanthropy, the Center for Domestic Peace. This organization, established 45 years ago, provides support for battered women in Marin County and through its efforts working with victims, law enforcement and social services has successfully decreased emergency calls for violence against women at a time when violence has been increasing at a rapid pace nationwide. The chapter holds an annual winter blanket drive for women and families who enter their facilities, as a source of comfort to carry with them on their journeys to recovery. This year, Tri Delta alumnae contributed over 28 soft, warm blankets to women in need. Marla Hedlund, Development and Community Relations Officer, spoke to the group over appetizers about the important work the center does and the many ways this chapter can help.

Participation was at an all-time high as chapter members caught up with long overdue conversations, put at bay since the onset of COVID, and enjoyed a variety of wonderful food and beverages followed by a fun white elephant gift exchange.
Topping off the evening, one of the group’s members, a registered nurse who volunteers her time helping with Marin County COVID testing, opened a big box of free COVID tests and encouraged members to take as many as needed to ensure a safe and happy holiday season with friends and family.

The Monterey Peninsula Alumnae Chapter invited the San Jose Alumnae Chapter to the Library Room at the Monterey Peninsula California Country Club for their Founders’ Day Celebration. A luncheon was served and the traditional Founders’ Day Proclamation was read. They concluded with the chapter roll call candle lighting service.
Back row from left: Jennifer Davis, Whitman College, Shirley Mantelli Ladd, Oregon, Marlene Rose Martin, Michigan, Joan Eichelsbach Keyzers, California/Los Angeles, Marta Galbreth Raynaud, DePauw, Kathleen Williams Wiberg, Indiana, Marji Unsoeld Karlgaard, California/Davis, Heather Cox, Southern California, Hannah Davis Majidi, Pacific, Heather Pubols Rose, Pacific, Giulianne Pate, Pacific, Patricia Carpenter Munoz, Pacific, Kara Chin Waggoner Cal State/Long Beach, Kathleen Weatherholt Englert, California/Davis
Front row from left: Marilyn Evans Riehl, Utah, Gloria Fish Bigelow, Toledo, Mary K Crist Crockett, Arizona, Debbie Drommerhausen Hutchings, Arizona State, Arlene Wayt Cook, Oregon, Marsha Schlegel Burlingame, California/Davis
The Stockton Area Alumnae Chapter has a thriving book club that is in its second year. They read a variety of books, but choose books written by Tri Delta authors once a quarter. They have met once a month online for the past two years. They met recently to discuss the book “Tell Me How You Really Feel” by Tri Delta Aminah Mae Safi, Southern California.
Stockton sisters also came together to enjoy a meal and attend a comedy showcase at Brix and Hops in Lodi. This event serves as a platform for budding comedians to test out their materials while providing an excellent opportunity to support local arts in the community. The ultimate goal is to strengthen the alumnae community in Stockton and generate interest in reviving their on-campus house. What a great way to support one another and foster sisterhood!
Book Club Comedy Showcase
The Denver Alumnae Chapter had a great turnout to their Founders’ Day Celebration with over 50 local members in attendance.

The Gainesville Alumnae Chapter enjoyed a Galentine’s luncheon gathering at the Harn Museum of Art on Saturday, Feb. 18.
Each December, Gainesville alumnae gather for an annual Tri Delta-themed ornament exchange. In 2022, the event was held at the home of Karen Dent Scarborough, Florida. The group also collected gifts for their local center for disadvantaged teen girls.
Galentine’s Day Celebration Ornament Exchange
Panhellenic sisters, friends and neighbors joined the Sarasota Area Alumnae Chapter for Guest Day. Member Clarissa Camfield Thomasson, Duke, author of “Forgotten Florida” and other historical books, spoke about her research and writing career.

Back row from left: Jeanne LaBlonde Madden, Ohio Wesleyan, and past Alumnae Chapter Presidents Cindy Hicks Jeffers, Texas, and Annadele Ferguson Jackson, Cornell
Front row from left: Lisle Wiseman Casper, new Honor Initiate, and guest Lynn Zaris
The Golden Isles Alumnae Chapter teamed up with the local Alpha Delta Pi alumnae chapter for a Galentine’s Social at Ember restaurant on St. Simons Island. Since it was Feb. 21, the Deltas and Diamonds celebrated Mardi Gras together as well!
Golden Isles also celebrated their 20th anniversary at their Founders’ Day celebration and announced fundraising efforts for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. They welcomed Trustee Janet Timmerman Miller, Toledo, from Tri Delta’s Foundation Board as their guest speaker.
Galentine’s Social Founders’ Day

Tri Deltas from the Bloomington/Normal Alumnae Chapter gathered together in February 2023 to enjoy a lovely lunch and delightful conversation at The Tea Room at the Depot in Mackinaw, Illinois.

Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter sisters lived a bit dangerously and had a blast for their outing to Anarchy Axe Throwing in February. There were 11 alumnae in attendance. Jenny Vinson Sherrill, Franklin, said, “I was terrible at it, but it was fun!”

Such a delightful bunch! The Baltimore Alumnae Chapter “Lunch Bunch” has been gathering for over a decade to enjoy their meals together. Back row from left: Jennifer Buran Aist, Maryland, Jayne May Miller, West Virginia, Mary Anderson Linkous, Pennsylvania State, Janet Harvey Lannon, Maryland, Stacey Chen Carroll, Maryland, Olive Reber Mongelluzzo, Pennsylvania State, and Sandra Henning Perth, Maryland; front row from left: Barbara Gundersdorff Weaver, Maryland, Jocelyn Cenna, Carnegie Mellon, and Paula Elliott Schauble, Kansas
In November, they held their Founder’s Day “Lunch Bunch” celebration at Tark’s Grill. During the event, members brought chapter scrapbooks and photos dating back decades for a nostalgic trip down memory lane. Additionally, Tri Delta and/or pansy gifts were distributed to all attendees!

The Minnesota Alumnae Chapter celebrated Founders’ Day on Nov. 16, 2022, at the Golden Valley Country Club. Fifty-five Tri Deltas of every age enjoyed great conversation, an appetizer buffet, a memorabilia table and a lovely program built around sisterhood.
The Alice McNeely Scholarship award was featured and included an excellent video address by the 2022 winner, Addison Anderson, Knox, entitled “How Tri Delta Benefits Me.” What a dynamic young Tri Delta! The evening concluded with roll call, candle lighting and a medley of songs. The candle glow grew brighter and brighter as alumnae members from all over the country stood when their chapter was called. Singing together was a wonderful reminder of collegiate days and, with the help of song sheets, everyone remembered the words, even to Rugged But Right!
North Carolina

The Charlotte Alumnae Chapter celebrated Founders’ Day with a delicious brunch at the gorgeous home of Kimberly Bishop Rothwell, Southern California. Her home even has three Deltas! They dined overlooking beautiful Lake Norman and then honored two members with the Circle Degree of Initiation. Elizabeth O’Keefe, Wofford, and Clare Flaherty, Wofford, graduated in 2020, and due to COVID did not have a Circle Degree ceremony. There wasn’t a dry eye in the house!
Next, they honored Sandy McCoy Simpson, North Carolina/Charlotte, with her Golden Circle. Sandy was in the inaugural new member class at Beta Kappa Chapter. Three members were honored with the Silver Circle milestone ceremony: Lee Foster, West Virginia, Sarah Eppihimer Krenz, Centre, and Natalie White Swilley, Arkansas. Finally, Christina Bauman, Toledo, was honored retroactively with the Pearl Circle milestone ceremony. It was a beautiful day in every way!

It was a lovely March evening for the Chattanooga Alumnae Chapter, who celebrated their first event in 3 years. How lucky it was that Tri Delta’s Foundation Trustee Crystal White Blaylock, Cal State/Long Beach, and Tri Delta Chief Development Officer Beth Burkes, Wake Forest, planned a visit before they even knew of the chapter’s plans!

During Cookies & Castles Frisco 2022, the North Dallas Alumnae Chapter raised $62,000 for Scottish Rite for Children! The chapter is overjoyed to share that this donation means a facility dog will be joining Scottish Rite this spring to offer comfort, reduce stress and relieve anxiety for patients and their caregivers. These donations also support patient care, ensuring all children have access to high-quality treatment and therapies delivered by experts in the fields of pediatric orthopedics, sports injuries and fractures, certain related arthritic and neurological disorders, and learning disorders. $5,000 was also donated to Tri Delta’s Foundation! Thank you, North Dallas alumnae and friends!
The Richmond Alumnae Chapter celebrated in Dec. 2022 with a dessert and movie night. The chapter began the evening with dessert at a member’s home, then reconvened at the historic Byrd Theater for a holiday sing-along and a showing of “White Christmas” on the huge screen. A good time was enjoyed by all—so much so they forgot to snap a picture!