Officers will get the chance to attend their choice of educational sessions at CLC. The topics will be a mixture of position-specific education and broader leadership skills (e.g., leading a team meeting, having difficult conversations, etc.). Each officer role will select the topics they want to attend.
Collegiate Chapter President
Educational Session Title | Description |
Burnout & Healthy Boundaries | We’ve all heard the words “burnout” and “boundary-setting” before. Have you ever considered the relationship between them? In this session, we will discuss the importance of maintaining healthy boundaries with friends and other members of a chapter, explore the relationship between boundary setting and burnout symptoms, and identify personal influences that contribute to establishing and maintaining healthy boundaries. |
Group Dynamics | Working together as a cohesive executive committee can make or break the success of your executive committee. This session will help you better understand the five stages of group dynamics that influence all teams. You’ll identify the characteristics of leaders in each of these stages, discuss the challenges with peer-to-peer leadership and practice addressing different group dynamics/scenarios that collegiate chapter presidents (CCP) commonly face during their term. |
How to be the Face of DDD | As the collegiate chapter president (CCP), you may feel like the spotlight is always on you. Navigating that pressure may feel overwhelming, which is where this session comes in. During this session, you will identify the various types of stakeholder relationships and each of their needs. You will reflect on what it means to be a representative of Tri Delta, and you will brainstorm ways to prioritize your responsibilities as CCP while balancing other aspects of your life. |
Vice President/Operations
Educational Session Title | Description |
Governing Docs Committee | Not sure where to start with Tri Delta’s Governing Documents? This session will give you the tools and confidence to understand and use them effectively. You’ll learn what these documents are, how they’re different and who’s on the committee that oversees them. We’ll also clear up common misconceptions, share tips for obtaining feedback on chapter policies and explore creative ways to make your policies work for everyone. Plus, you’ll leave knowing the difference between what a policy should be and what’s just part of chapter operations. Walk away feeling informed and ready to lead! |
Engagement Strategies | In this session, you’ll uncover what motivates your sisters and explore how understanding their motivations can help you create more effective engagement. You’ll also brainstorm fresh ideas to boost involvement by building on your chapter’s unique strengths. Walk away with practical tools to inspire connection, increase participation and make chapter life more meaningful for everyone! |
Appointments & Re-Slating | Understanding appointments and re-slating is key to smooth chapter operations. This session will guide you through who determines appointments, address common misconceptions and share best practices for selecting officers. From there, we’ll dive into the re-slating process—when it’s needed, who’s responsible and how to manage it effectively. Using real-world scenarios, you’ll gain the tools and confidence to handle these responsibilities like a pro! |
Vice President/Chapter Programming & Development
Educational Session Title | Description |
Engagement Strategies for Programs | As a chapter leader, it can be difficult to understand why other members in your chapter do not want to be engaged with programs and events. This session will focus on identifying the barriers to engagement and developing strategies to increase member engagement. Participants will leave knowing how to articulate the value of Tri Delta programming and the collegiate experience. |
Healthy Traditions | Traditions are fun and important ways to connect different age groups. Sometimes, traditions can have an unintentionally negative effect. How do we ensure that traditions are healthy and facilitate a positive impact? Participants will spend time identifying solutions to traditions that need to be changed, renovating their own community traditions and becoming the change champions they aspire to be as leaders. |
Training the Conduct Committee | Everyone who serves on the conduct committee should be prepared to address various issues. As the chair of the committee, it is the responsibility of the VPCPD to ensure that their team is trained to navigate hard conversations with fellow sisters. The VPCPD will learn how to promote growth, discover how to properly utilize their resources and keep accountability at the forefront of all conversations. |
Vice President/Community Relations
Educational Session Title | Description |
Event Management | Event planning and management can elevate any chapter event to the next level when done correctly. During this session, you will discuss the characteristics of successful chapter events and common pitfalls of event planning. You will also identify solutions for common challenges of the event planning process and review best practices for event management, including completing the Event Notification Form (ENF). |
Helping the DPRM Manage the “Yap” | Managing the “yap,” or what others say about your chapter, can be one of the hardest things to do as VPCR. Working with your director of public relations and marketing (DPRM) to navigate this is known as perception management. During this session, you will identify strategies to tackle perception management challenges from internal and external sources. You will also explore when you, as the VPCR, should step in to navigate an issue versus when you should support the DPRM in their responsibilities. |
Leading Your Team | Communication, delegation and empowerment all play critical roles in leading a team. During this educational session, each vice president of community relations (VPCR) will differentiate between what effective leadership is vs. what it is not, articulate their personal leadership style, develop a communication plan for their officer team and define the role of delegation within their team. |
Vice President/Member Experience
Educational Session Title | Description |
Utilizing the Retention Committee | Using a retention committee can help your chapter address retention concerns proactively. During this session, you will collect ideas about how to fulfill the responsibilities of the retention committee, practice addressing challenging conversations with members related to retention and discuss retention efforts that have worked for peers in other chapters. |
RFM 101 | Release Figure Methodology, or RFM, can be a confusing and complicated process if you’ve never been “behind the scenes” of the recruitment process. During this session, you will define RFM-specific terminology and identify what is relevant to share with different stakeholders. You’ll also discuss the recruitment rounds list-making process and practice using resources to solve issues related to RFM. Note: This session is only relevant for chapters that participate in primary recruitment. If your chapter does not participate in primary recruitment, you may want to consider attending a different educational session. |
When Recruitment Emotions Run High | Recruitment is notorious for being filled with lots of emotion. Knowing how to regulate your emotions as a leader and helping others do the same can enhance the recruitment experience for all involved. During this session, you will discuss common feelings that vice presidents of member experience (VPME) navigate leading up to and during recruitment. You’ll also explore emotional regulation skills/strategies and identify ways to be proactive in managing the emotions associated with recruitment. |
Small Chapter Focus
Educational Session Title | Description |
Balancing Multiple Roles | Juggling multiple responsibilities in a small chapter can be overwhelming, but this session will help you take control. Together, we’ll identify your chapter’s top priorities and evaluate how your roles directly impact its overall health. You’ll also brainstorm practical solutions to challenges that come with wearing many hats. Whether you’re managing multiple officer positions or supporting a small team, you’ll leave with actionable strategies to balance your responsibilities and strengthen your chapter. |
Vice President/Operations & Vice President/Chapter Programming & Development
Educational Session Title | Description |
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD): My Tri Delta 101 | Did your onboarding teach you everything you need to know about your responsibilities in My Tri Delta? Still puzzled? Then this session is for you! Bring your own device so you can walk through what you need to do in My Tri Delta. Learn from an expert who will show you step by step, answer any questions and explain why these responsibilities are important. This session will get you caught up on all things My Tri Delta. |
All Vice Presidents
Educational Session Title | Description |
Elevating & Motivating Your Directors | As a vice president, balancing leadership and delegation can be a challenge. In this session, you’ll discuss the responsibilities that can be difficult to hand off and explore how to overcome those obstacles. Using the five pillars of self-sacrificial leadership, you’ll practice strategies to better support your directors and empower them to succeed. Leave feeling confident in your ability to lead your team with purpose and build stronger, more collaborative directors. |
All Officers
Educational Session Title | Description |
Membership Retention Conversations | Membership retention can be a challenging topic if your chapter is unsure where to start. During this session, you’ll identify the challenges and benefits of retaining members and categorize how each officer team contributes to member retention efforts. You’ll also list the components of a strong retention strategy and practice applying them to your chapter’s retention efforts. |
Motivating the Middle | All chapters experience similar challenges when trying to motivate members. Join this session to dive into the concept of middle-third members and build an understanding of each third of members that is outlined in “Motivating the Middle” by TJ Sullivan. You’ll explore how chapter officers can strategically engage the middle to elevate their chapter experience and the strategies you can use to bring that experience to life. |
Officer to Officer Conversations | As an officer, you were slated into a role to complete certain tasks. You may notice some tasks of a fellow officer falling through the cracks and want to know how to fix it. Participants will identify common accountability issues and learn how to have difficult conversations surrounding accountability. They will leave with an action and implementation plan that they’ll be able to use in the upcoming year. |
Overcoming Your Imposter Syndrome | What if you stopped doubting yourself and started believing in your abilities? In this session, you’ll dive into the concept of imposter syndrome, learning to recognize its symptoms and the thought patterns that contribute to self-doubt. Together, we’ll explore ways to challenge negative thinking, create personal affirmations and develop self-affirming reminders to keep you grounded. Leave with the tools and confidence to lead boldly and bravely! |
Understanding Your Leadership Style | Understanding your leadership style helps you be the best officer you can be. During this session, you will learn about Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner’s five practices of exemplary leadership and the characteristics associated with them. You will also plan how to apply your personal leadership style to your role while considering other officers and their leadership styles. |
Meet Your Volunteers | Your chapter’s success doesn’t happen alone—volunteers play a key role in supporting you! In this session, you’ll explore the “why” behind having chapter volunteer support and discover the resources available to you. Learn how to identify your chapter volunteer team in My Tri Delta and determine what needs to be communicated to each volunteer and by which officers. You’ll also have the opportunity to connect with your collegiate chapter coordinators during a meet and greet and collaborate on an action plan for your executive committee. Walk away feeling supported and ready to lead with confidence! |
Make Meetings More Engaging | We have all been a part of meetings that could have been run better or did not need to be a meeting in the first place. Tri Delta meetings shouldn’t fall into that category! During this session, you will brainstorm ways to “think outside of the box” when creating meeting environments and discuss different types of opportunities to improve meetings. You will also identify how different officers can be included in various parts of meetings and develop an understanding of indicators that a meeting has been effective and engaging. |
Attendees will also get to bond over their shared roles in Community Cohorts, based on your officer role! Community Cohorts provide an opportunity for intensive training, developing leadership skills, skill application and more personal conversations with your peers in smaller groups.
Collegiate Chapter President
As collegiate chapter presidents (CCPs), you are charged to help your chapter “to see clearly…to act wisely…to serve steadfastly.” The CCP community cohort will equip you with the tools, resources and support to advance your chapter. You’ll begin your CLC journey by exploring the roles and responsibilities of the executive committee and defining visionary leadership. Through simulations and scenarios, you’ll experience visionary leadership in action and identify new ways to lead your executive committee and build successful relationships. The cohort experience will continue with learning more about your members through Tri Delta’s Collegiate Experience Survey. Come prepared to dig deeper into the member experience and brainstorm new ways to create connections and foster belonging in your chapter.
Vice President/Operations
The vice president of operations (VPO) community cohort is designed to focus on three major upcoming responsibilities of your officer role: leading the operations team, serving on the finance committee, and preparing for officer selection. In the VPO community cohort, you will engage in activities, reflect, brainstorm, and work through various scenarios while learning about the operations team, the finance committee, finance technology, financial best practices, creating a slating timeline, and slating education ideas.
Vice President/Chapter Programming & Development
The vice president of chapter programming and development (VPCPD) community cohort is designed to empower you with the tools, strategies, and confidence to lead your team. Through interactive sessions, you’ll explore how to elevate the directors on your team, lead a conduct committee with confidence, and strengthen your leadership and problem-solving skills. Whether navigating challenges or inspiring personal growth, this curriculum is tailored to help you succeed in one of the most dynamic roles in Tri Delta leadership. Join us to connect, learn, and lead with purpose!
Vice President/Community Relations
The vice president of community relations (VPCR) community cohort will offer you a chance to explore key responsibilities of your role, including the role of Panhellenic delegate and the chair of the diversity, equity, inclusion, access and belonging (DEIAB) committee. Through real-life scenarios, you’ll do a deep dive into your role as Panhellenic delegate, including advocating for change and voting on various Panhellenic matters. The community cohort will continue with powerful conversations about DEIAB and you’ll identify new strategies to create your DEIAB committee and brainstorm ideas to integrate DEIAB into your chapter.
Vice President/Member Experience
Whether you just finished primary recruitment, are currently planning for primary recruitment, or your campus only does year-round recruitment, the vice president of the membership experience (VPME) community cohort is focused on recruitment and setting your chapter up for success! The VPME community cohort is focused on recruitment planning, understanding your recruitment team, recruitment mechanics, recruitment conversations, and recruitment group methods. While many of the topics and strategies might seem only applicable to a formal recruitment process, everything we are talking about can be used during all types of recruitment.
This is your space to meet up with others in your same officer role before CLC starts. Come enjoy snacks, answer questions, get ideas, network and discuss topics with experts in your officer role. It’s your time to connect! Connection Hour will take place Friday, March 28, from 2:30 to 4:00 p.m.
Members of Color Affinity Space
Join us for connection, community and learning. We know that as a member of your chapter, you may have been the only one who looks or identifies the same way as you. This space has been intentionally curated for CLC attendees who identify as people of color to share their experiences, challenges and hopes as Tri Delta members and collegiate officers.
Collegiate Chapter President
We know how important your role is in creating a vision and leading your chapter. It can be both rewarding and challenging. Come network and create relationships with other CCPs who can become part of your support system during your leadership journey.
Vice President/Operations
Whether you want to ask about attendance, chapter calendars or finances, this space offers a chance to talk all things operations with fellow VPOs. Come meet and connect with other VPOs.
Vice President/Operations (Housing)
Join other VPOs and subject matter experts for idea sharing around filling your chapter home, house directors, dining plans and accommodation requests.
Vice President/Chapter Programming & Development
Member support is a cornerstone of both the VPCPD role and the programming and development team. Spend time asking questions, learning more about the member support committees, brainstorming and getting connected with a support network, as well as problem-solving with other VPCPDs.
Vice President/Community Relations
Looking for new ideas, inspiration or tools to elevate your chapter’s social media, marketing and public relations? Stop by this space to learn more, brainstorm, share and be creative with other VPCRs.
Vice President/Member Experience
This space is the perfect opportunity for sharing recruitment and retention tips and tricks, as well as exchanging new ideas that you can implement for year-round recruitment and retention with other VPMEs. You can also use this space to share ideas, tips and tricks for the first year-experience and new member integration.