This is your time to connect with like officers/your sisters. Discuss relevant topics, talk to subject matter experts, gather new ideas, brainstorm and meet new people! Connection Hour will take place Friday, March 28, from 2:30 to 4:00 p.m. BONUS: There will be snacks!
Attendees will also get to bond over their shared roles in Community Cohorts, based on your officer role! Community Cohorts provide an opportunity for intensive training, developing leadership skills, skill application and more personal conversations with your peers in smaller groups.
Collegiate Chapter President
As collegiate chapter presidents (CCPs), you are charged to help your chapter “to see clearly…to act wisely…to serve steadfastly.” The CCP community cohort will equip you with the tools, resources and support to advance your chapter. You’ll begin your CLC journey by exploring the roles and responsibilities of the executive committee and defining visionary leadership. Through simulations and scenarios, you’ll experience visionary leadership in action and identify new ways to lead your executive committee and build successful relationships. The cohort experience will continue with learning more about your members through Tri Delta’s Collegiate Experience Survey. Come prepared to dig deeper into the member experience and brainstorm new ways to create connections and foster belonging in your chapter.
Vice President/Operations
The vice president of operations (VPO) community cohort is designed to focus on three major upcoming responsibilities of your officer role: leading the operations team, serving on the finance committee, and preparing for officer selection. In the VPO community cohort, you will engage in activities, reflect, brainstorm, and work through various scenarios while learning about the operations team, the finance committee, finance technology, financial best practices, creating a slating timeline, and slating education ideas.
Vice President/Chapter Programming & Development
The vice president of chapter programming and development (VPCPD) community cohort is designed to empower you with the tools, strategies, and confidence to lead your team. Through interactive sessions, you’ll explore how to elevate the directors on your team, lead a conduct committee with confidence, and strengthen your leadership and problem-solving skills. Whether navigating challenges or inspiring personal growth, this curriculum is tailored to help you succeed in one of the most dynamic roles in Tri Delta leadership. Join us to connect, learn, and lead with purpose!
Vice President/Community Relations
The vice president of community relations (VPCR) community cohort will offer you a chance to explore key responsibilities of your role, including the role of Panhellenic delegate and the chair of the diversity, equity, inclusion, access and belonging (DEIAB) committee. Through real-life scenarios, you’ll do a deep dive into your role as Panhellenic delegate, including advocating for change and voting on various Panhellenic matters. The community cohort will continue with powerful conversations about DEIAB and you’ll identify new strategies to create your DEIAB committee and brainstorm ideas to integrate DEIAB into your chapter.
Vice President/Member Experience
Whether you just finished primary recruitment, are currently planning for primary recruitment, or your campus only does year-round recruitment, the vice president of the membership experience (VPME) community cohort is focused on recruitment and setting your chapter up for success! The VPME community cohort is focused on recruitment planning, understanding your recruitment team, recruitment mechanics, recruitment conversations, and recruitment group methods. While many of the topics and strategies might seem only applicable to a formal recruitment process, everything we are talking about can be used during all types of recruitment.
Officers will get the chance to attend their choice of educational sessions at CLC. The topics will be a mixture of position-specific education and broader leadership skills (e.g., leading a team meeting, having difficult conversations, etc.). Each officer role will select the topics they want to attend.
Collegiate Chapter President
Check back soon for more information on your Educational Session topics.
Vice President/Operations
Check back soon for more information on your Educational Session topics.
Vice President/Chapter Programming & Development
Check back soon for more information on your Educational Session topics.
Vice President/Community Relations
Check back soon for more information on your Educational Session topics.
Vice President/Member Experience
Check back soon for more information on your Educational Session topics.